Project Details

  • case study
  • custom application
  • e-commerce
  • magento2
  • mobile app
  • responsive design

This is a case study tailor made for one of the largest sportswear companies in Greece. Step stports Group does not only have an array of physical retail stores, but also strong online presence, with 3 e-commerce pages and 3 mobile apps. Step sports fashion, Sneakeraid and Retro 23 are the 3 Magento 2 e-shops, featuring, elegant and sports oriented aesthetic, user friendly shopping process and responsive design.

Featured banner

Project Screens

Single main Single main


You can find all the Step Sports Group mobile applications links here

Google play:

App Store:


  • Step Sports Group is an umbrella company with many physical stores across Greece and online stores and apps, under four different brands; Step sports fashion, Sneakeraid, Sports outlet and Retro 23
  • One of the most intricate and custom elements that had to be engineered for this project was the connection of the mobile apps to the Magento 2 e-shops. These include all the APIs and bridges that pull all the product catalogues and their atributes, to the mobile apps.
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wide screen > 1440px

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