Project Details
GLM is a company located in Greece, specializing in shading systems for outdoor spaces. GLM entrusted us with the redesign and development of its new website in order to renew its international company profile and its design aesthetics. The end result of this website brings out the company’s modern approach to products and projects overall, as well as its professionalism and innovative character. One of the most important aspects of the website is the 3D configurator that creates an immersing experience for the clients as they interact with a live preview of their shading system. It just one of the many elements that make this website approachable to the user and easy to navigate.
- client Glm
- year 2021
- design & development Stonewave
- website
Project Screens
mobile < 768px
tablet 768px - 1024px
desktop 1024px - 1440px
wide screen > 1440px