Project Details
Clodist is a renowned and award-winning eshop for international fashion brands focusing on clothing, footwear and accessories. Since 2016, they have been active mostly in the Greek and Cypriot markets as well as the wider European market. Some of the brands available on their store are Camel Active, Gant, Nautica, Timberland, The North Face and many more. On their new eshop which was developed on the Magento 2 Lazarus Theme you will find a broad selection of brands and products along with a user-friendly purchasing process and many special offers.
- client Clodist
- year 2023
- design & development Stonewave
- website
Project Screens
mobile < 768px
tablet 768px - 1024px
desktop 1024px - 1440px
wide screen > 1440px